Unit Economics Calculator
Monthly Subscription Fee ($)
This input captures the monthly fee that customers pay to access the subscription service. It's the primary revenue source per user per month.
Directly input based on the business's pricing model.
Average Cost per User ($)
This represents the average cost incurred by the company for each active user or subscriber. Costs may include service delivery, hosting, support, and operational expenses attributed to each user.
Sum of all relevant costs divided by the number of users.
Churn Rate (%)
Churn rate is the percentage of subscribers who cancel their subscription within a given time period. It is a critical metric for understanding customer retention and the health of the business.
(Number of churned customers during the period / Number of customers at the start of the period) * 100.
Customer Acquisition Cost ($)
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) measures the average cost to acquire a new customer, encompassing all marketing and sales expenses.
Total marketing and sales costs divided by the number of new customers acquired.