
"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know." - Albert Einstein

About Me

Greetings! I'm thrilled to welcome you to my website.
I have just graduated in May 2024 with a double major in Computer Science and International Finance fron the American University of Paris, in Paris, France .

My passion lies at the captivating intersection of these domains, where I am continuously inspired by the use of applying math to the ever-evolving realms of data science, machine learning, wealth management, and investment analysis.

If you share the same enthusiasm for these domains or have an exciting opportunity to explore, I wholeheartedly invite you to connect with me. Together, let's push the boundaries of technology and finance, and make a lasting impact on humanity.

Computer Science

  • Java
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • Linux
  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • React
  • Node.js
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • AWS DynamoDB


  • Investment Analysis
  • Computational Finance
  • Prospectus Analysis
  • Financial Accounting
  • Data Visualization with excel and python

Personal skills

  • Marathoner
  • Licenced Scuba Diver
  • Painter

Some Projects

Asclepius AI
Wound healing application using decision trees (APRIL2024-JUNE2024)

This projects goal is to aid Doctors and RN's in classifiying the state and grade of a wound and the guiding them through the steps to heal it.

Prosper AI
Financial Literacy and Quantitative Analysis System(MAY2023-AUG2023)

The senior project aims to develop an data analysis and an intelligent chatbot to help people grow their financial literacy and make data driven investment decisions.

Chris's Simple Compiler:
Converting Custom Language to Python(FEB 2023)

The Simple Compiler project focuses on developing a code translator that converts a custom language into Python code. The project involves tokenizing the input text and generating Python code based on the provided tokens.

The compiler uses regular expressions to match and identify different components of the custom language, such as operators, variables, and special statements like "prints" and "printSort." The tokenization process ensures that each part of the code is recognized and processed correctly.

The generated Python code incorporates the defined tokens from the custom language, mapping them to their Python equivalents. The compiler handles various operations, including mathematical calculations, variable assignments, and print statements. It also provides functionality to sort and print lists of characters.

The Simple Compiler project demonstrates the process of transforming a custom language into a working Python code, enabling the execution of the defined statements and operations. It highlights the importance of lexical analysis and syntax checking to ensure the validity and accuracy of the translated code.

Eating experience with algorithm to advise people of things to eat given their area code in Paris(APRIL 2022)

Meta Food is an innovative project aimed at simplifying the eating experience for individuals in Paris. By utilizing advanced algorithms and data analysis, we provide personalized recommendations on what to eat based on your area code. Whether you're a local resident or a tourist, Meta Food ensures you enjoy the best culinary experiences tailored to your location.


Contact me!
