"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know." - Albert Einstein


Thank you for coming! I'm thrilled to welcome you to my website.
I have graduated in May 2024 with a double major in Computer Science and International Finance fron the American University of Paris.

My passion for technology and finance has driven me to explore various fields and develop a diverse skill set. I have experience in programming languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript, as well as financial analysis and investment management.

My goal is to leverage my knowledge and expertise to create innovative solutions that address complex challenges and drive positive change. I am excited to collaborate with like-minded professionals and contribute to projects that make a meaningful impact on society.

Feel free to explore my website to learn more about my skills, projects, and interests. If you have any questions or would like to connect, please don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you!


Computer Science

  • Java
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • Linux
  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • React
  • Node.js
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • AWS DynamoDB
  • Git
  • Firebase authentication
  • Scikit-learn


  • Investment Analysis
  • Computational Finance
  • Prospectus Analysis
  • Financial Accounting
  • Data Visualization with excel and python
  • CAPM
  • WACC
  • DCF
  • NPV
  • IRR
  • Portfolio Management
  • Exchange rates

Free time

  • Painter
  • Scuba Diver
  • Marathoner
  • Trying new food
  • Traveling
  • Reading
  • Learning new languages


Asclepius AI

Asclepius is the greek god of medicine and healing. Zeus, afraid he would render all men imortal, slew him with a thounder bolt.

Working as an software engineer intern for MDM Wound Ventures, I was tasked with creating an application to simplyfy the wound classification process while educating Doctors and RN's about the subsequent steps to healing the wound. The first Sprint included creating a digital twin of the wound healing process developed by the University of Texas.
The following Sprints incorporated React and Bootstrap for modern, responsive web development and design. I then added Firebase's authentication API for simple user authentication with 2FA to ensure security when handling sensitive patient data to comply with HIPPA privacy regulations. Now for the interesting part; I created a decision tree classification model with a straightforward machine learning toolkit, Scikit-learn, using 1001 wound examples in training for the model to classify the wound in 1 of the 4 grades(depth of wound), and states(infected, ischemic, both, or niether).

Quantum Networking Research Project

In my Computer Networks course each student was tasked with conducting research in modern and future technologies in Communication and Computer Netowkring. The course intrigued me tremendously and inspired me to do research in a new type of communication based off the principles of Quantum Mechanics. When two particles are entagled you can use them to communicate with zero latency regardless of the distance between them. As I familiarized myself with the cutting edge technology I learned many companies are building and advancing the use of quantum computers, IBM leading the way with their latest 133 qubit Heron quantum computer. IBM is not only developing this amazing hardware but also has created an open source development kit called Qiskit for working with quantum computers and allows anyone to create and manipulate quantum programs.

Prosper AI
Portfolio Management System

The project aims to take time away from doing complex calculations for the average investor and to manage a portfolio more simply. It utilizes ML techniques, real-time market data, and key financial ratios to make informed managment decisions and provide personalized investment recommendations.

The project objectives include developing an algo for user tailored decisions, creating a modern and user-friendly interface, implementing data analysis and visualization features, and developing an intelligent chatbot using with an LLM API.

Chris's Simple Compiler:
Converting Custom Language to Python

The Simple Compiler project focuses on developing a code translator that converts a custom language into Python code. The project involves tokenizing the input text and generating Python code based on the provided tokens.

The compiler uses regular expressions to match and identify different components of the custom language, such as operators, variables, and special statements like "prints" and "printSort." The tokenization process ensures that each part of the code is recognized and processed correctly.

The generated Python code incorporates the defined tokens from the custom language, mapping them to their Python equivalents. The compiler handles various operations, including mathematical calculations, variable assignments, and print statements. It also provides functionality to sort and print lists of characters.

The Simple Compiler project demonstrates the process of transforming a custom language into a working Python code, enabling the execution of the defined statements and operations. It highlights the importance of lexical analysis and syntax checking to ensure the validity and accuracy of the translated code.

An improvement on recomendation systems

Meta Food is an innovative project aimed at simplifying the eating experience for individuals in Paris. By taking the user zip code , we immmediatley pair them with a restauraunt for them. During development, I recognized a lack of standardization of stars and # of reviews a restauraunt has. Most people would rather go to a 4 star restauraunt with 5000 reviews than a 5 star restaraunt with 11 reviews. So i standardized the rating system to show an accurate representation of the 'rating' of the restauraunt.

Investment Analysis Research Project

I was tasked with finding an upcoming market to invest in and conducting research into possible investment strategies. I found that the population age over 65 is rising drastically. I then gathered stock price information using yahoo finance's API and used Pandas for data manipulation and to create a dataframe.Then I used matplotlib's PyPlot to create visualizations to help me analyze the correlation matrix between companies that could be affected by this growth. I then devised a investment strategy to hedge risk that included selling cash secured puts.
Download the PDF

Financial Statement Formatter

In my Financial Accounting and Corporate Finance courses I was required to create financial statements for different companies. I found the process of formatting the financial statements the most time consuming task which took away from doing my other homework and exploring Paris. So I needed a solution to this which was writting some Python code to format the numbers and calculations to save me time with the formatting of the documents.

My personal website

My personal website has gone through many iteratiohns starting from 2020. Throughout my computer science journey I have added different projects and concepts to this website.


Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or collaboration opportunities. I look forward to connecting with you! Reach me at: im@christopherpinkston.com or: